Monster Sweet Potato

North Fork024220081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

This is by far the largest sweet potato I have ever seen!

Heirloom Tomatoes

North Fork024020081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

These are pure bred. Not hybrid. There breed goes back to the 1800s.

Organic Farmer

North Fork025220081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

She specializes in biodynamic farming methods.

Wine Tasting Sun Down

North Fork026920081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Giant Corn

North Fork028620081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Nothing as good as roasted corn, hot off the cob!

End of the Harvest

North Fork028220081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

These pumpkind are enormous, weighing in at about 500 pounds each.

Noble Steed

North Fork B002720081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

At the horse rescue shelter, the descnedant of Man O War, no further use for him after a life of racing and then at the stud farm, a beautiful animal.

Horse Rescue

North Fork B005620081026, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

In back of this winery, horses are rescued from slaughter. Thoroughbreds, once prized for their racing value, are abused and eventually sold to Canada or Mexico for dog food at auction. I met the great great great great grandson of Man o 'War a beautiful stallion, who can now live out his days in this beautiful surrounding.

Study in Green

I painted this tonite, from a beautiful photograph of a verdant countryside. I quickly sketched a drawing in burnt umber and rapidly filled in planes of color, almost like a Rothko painting. This was a particularly challenging project, as when I worked with colors more, the difference in color was able to adequately express spatial relationships. Now, I had to rely on subtle shade differences of greens to establish depth. I tried to divide the stage into three major parts - foreground, background and a blue green middle ground. I was careful not to make the greens that were too bright gaudily yellow, or to dull them with whites. I added reds to the sky, to create a rain filled overcast day. Yet the sun does poke through , and I sparingly sprinkled on highlights and dappled the field with brilliant color. In the remote distance, a white steeple church can be seen, reminiscent of the Baptist churches I saw in the North Fork. 


Aelita0062, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Autumn Reflections

This is a painting I did last night at the School of Visual Arts. I chose to copy a photograph of an autumnal scene, showing the refections of trees in a clear blue lake. I began with a quick burnt sienna acrylic underpainting, lightly applied to allow the luminosity of the underlying canvas to show through. I then roughly sketched with brush the outlines of the trees and lake in burnt umber oil, using walnut oil as medium. I forwent the next phase of developing darks and lights in burnt umber, and instead went directly to color. After the first color was applied , I felt I had gone too thick , and I scraped the entire painting down with a palette knife. This created a most beautiful glowing underpainting. I then retouched the sky and lake, painting the sky lighter and the lake a deeper blue. I added in touches of reds and yellows to capture the effects of light. I added light yellows and oranges and reds to the trees, but centrally made them darker to create shadow and depth. Lastly, I added a few semblances of trunks and branches with a fine sable brush. Lucy, our teacher, liked it and said it was complete. She also said that I have my own style, which reflects my personality.

A Light in the Dark

Cutting Room 0052, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Thanks to Jill in Australia for the title on this one!

The Oyster Festival

Oysterfest 0194, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Works Wonders

Gleason's Gym

Gleason's Boxing Gym0016, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Nicoleta in Chinatown

Chinatown D0108, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Nicoleta in Chinatown

Chinatown D0109, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Dancing Man at the Oyster Festival

Oysterfest 0096, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Thank You Rio!

We have a new visitor to the Expedition from Rio de Janeiro. You are the sole representative of your great continent. Please recruit your fellows from the southern hemisphere to join the blog. Welcome!

The Oyster Festival at Oyster Bay 2008

Oyster Festival at Oyster Bay, Long Island

Henry Butler at Preservation Hall, New Orleans

The Cutting Room with "Henry Butler" and "Mary Lobb"

These pictures were taken at a class New York City Day and Night at the ICP. I did black and white conversion to make more like old 1950's style New York. New Orleans piano legend Henry Butler and singer Mary Lobb performed.

Mary Lobb: click below to hear her music and see her site...

Henry Butler:

Snowy Landscape at Sunset. "School of Visual Arts"

This is the completion of a painting I copied as part of a course at the "School of Visual Arts". I added bright cadmium yellow to the sky to add brilliance, and i added yellow to the cadmium red to increase the orange tones of sunset. I also smoothed the snow into flat interweaving planes, simplifying the pattern, broken by occasion bushes. I added a few highlights to the diagonally placed stream and I added flake white and yellow with reds to the central snow, showing it as an area on which the last fading rays of light illuminated. I have shown the earlier version of the painting as well, to demonstarte the most recent adaptions.

 The teacher is Lucy Gould Reutzfeld, and she is teaching us to create luminous light filled landscapes. Her website is below...

Steven on an ICP Fashion Photoshoot, courtesy of "(c) 2008 Wei Liou -"

Taken by a Canon pro using a tilt-shift lens TS-E 45mm/2.8. Note how the tilting action of the specialized lens allows the plane of focus to be at an angle, causing the interesting effect of blur in front of and behind the image in focus. This creates the effect of miniaturization.

"(c) 2008 Wei Liou -"
Special appreciation to Mr. Wei Liou, an immensely talented photographer who was kind enough to take these two photos of me on class assignment using this special lens, which he has complete mastery of. Please check out his website, I assure you that you will be awestruck as I when you view his moving and inspirational views of the city. I will endeavor my utmost to follow his example of sharing and generosity. A truly special individual... Thank you Wei!


Chinatown Best A0009, originally uploaded by lionheart613.


Chinatown Best A0010, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

The Spanish Columbus Day Parade

Chinatown D0002, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Times Square Underground Art

Chinatown D0023, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Chinatown Vegetable Stand

Chinatown D0062, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Elizabeth and Bayard Streets

Chinatown D0076, originally uploaded by lionheart613.


Chinatown D0093, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Looking Cool

Chinatown D0133, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

In Love

Chinatown D0171, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Whiskey Tavern

Chinatown D0208, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Jumped Bail

Chinatown D0250, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Church Corner

Chinatown D0295, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Chinatown Park

Chinatown D0316, originally uploaded by lionheart613.

Mulberry Street

Chinatown D0372, originally uploaded by lionheart613.