Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Portrait of a Girl

IMG_1624, originally uploaded by lionheart613.
Metropolitan Museum of Art- I love Renoir's soft ethereal brushstrokes. His palette is full of colors. Creamy flesh tones have mixtures of greens and blues. His women are Rubenesque and fleshy, his oranges remind me of Titian. The impressionistic background is reminiscent of Monet and his series of poplar trees. He gained acclaim when some works were exhibited in the impressionist Exhibition of 1874. He was colleague of Monet, and worked with Delacroix in Algeria. We can see all these influences in this small work. He also travelled to Spain to see Velasquez's works and to Italy to behold those of Raphael. In later life he developed rheumatoid arthritis, yet persevered. /artist